Tell-A-Vision Television
'ENEMIES OF PEACE - Preventing the Next War in the Middle East'. The film serves as a warning sign of the impending threat of escalating war, specifically in the Middle East. 'Enemies of Peace' points a spotlight on the instigators, aggressors and funders of these catastrophic wars as well as their motives. Featuring some of the best and most knowledgeable scholars, journalists and activists on the subject, 'Enemies of Peace' offers insights and solutions not often expressed by the mainstream media.
2024 FOR PEACE the WPP updated VISION.
2024 is an important election year. WE need to keep informed and updated on the truth. Help WPP fundraise for promotion and updates on this film and others like it that can be screened at current and future IMPROVdinners.com peace rally film fest fundraiser events.
Meet & hear the film creators VISION via zoom at your live event.
Who We Are...
ImproVidinners.com fundraising events showcase WorldPeaceProductions.org (WPP), our global nonprofit sponsor under the umbrella of WE THE WORLD, INC. by featuring videos, films and other such media that portrays the use of a global network of WEwellness fundraising Circle Clubs. TV event Hosts create media at their fundraising events showing and fundraising for educational media, the value of a plant-based diet, & success stories of those that have healed themselves, that are uploaded to our collective media Channels.
WPP reaches out to Media That Matters producers and invites them to have their media featured at our global "Breakin' Bread Together for a Better World" improVdinners.com WEwellness educational fundraising events.
This allows WPP producers to get their word out to a larger audience of potential customers, and also helps them to fundraise to and educate the masses in living and learning How To give their body what it needs to heal itself via biohacking techniques that support and nourish a Self-Healing Lifestyle.
WPP invites Media That Matters producers to reach out to us with a link to your proposed media collaboration: