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  Global Collective of Self-Healing Healthy Lifestyle Events, Circles, Clubs, Hubs, Practitioners, Products & Services

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About our Vision


Family of Light -

"It started in April 2022 with a 'recurring' uterine high serous carcinoma 'Stage 3-4' diagnosis that led to a six month Self-Healing Journey to uncover so many others that have given their bodies what it needed to Self-Heal from cancer and other such life threatening diseases without the use of chemo, radiation, immune therapy, or pharmaceutical drugs of any kind. 

In October 2022, six months later, my CT scan was clear.

I want to help others create their own Self-Healing stories, by having access to the research, alternative healing gurus and an introduction to cutting edge frequency medicine modalities."

Joya Comeaux, Founder Family of Light 1993 is a global co-marketing and event-driven network of health enthusiasts focused on sharing the collective Highest Vision of Influencers and Entrepreneurs for living a

Self-Healing Healthy Lifestyle.


"And We've Got to Get Ourselves Back to the Garden!"

"Woodstock" - Joni Mitchell

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.

William James, American Philosopher, Historian, and Psychologist 

"AVE MARIA, Angels Sing a Journey to Remembrance" - Joya Comeaux

"All We Want is to Love and Be Loved. As Humans that is the Basis for Everythig We Do!"

Grow Your Vision

You or someone you know have an opportunity to Self-Heal, Make a Difference, and Make $ by making Our Vision Yours. Join our Team and become a distrbutor or give sessions via our Alternative Self-Healing Frequency Medicine Modalities. Partner with us and Help Grow Your Vision via promotion as a

Family of Light (FOL) Member of our Global 

Contact Us

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Are you ready to invest your time, energy & $ into manifesting Your Own Vision Location;  Media Hub; Event Clubs; Shared Space Pods; or Abundance Circles? If so, ask us how.

There are many levels of involvement up to owning and/or managing your own Hub, Space or Pod Independent Distributorship.  Contact Us to Find out How.

Contact Us (above) to join our global marketing  referral & incentive- based 
Collective. Learn How to Work Together to Make $; Make a Difference; Interact; Support each other;
cross-Market & Promote; 
Your Odds; & Lower Your Risks

FOL Member - Global Lifestyle Collective

Level 1 - Become a Complimentary Member of our global collective to receive a 10% discount on network global products, events & services; point rewards for Referring New Customers; Point rewards for Volunteering at one of our Hubs, and earning a FREE service for each Circle of 10 active members that you attract and nurture by the ongoing sharing of your personal experience & expertise as an Influencer.

Partner - Hub, Space, Pod, Host - Optional

Level 2 - Earn Products and Services. Be an event host, space manager or pod owner of one of our locations (Space - Membership Circles, Pod - Frequency Medicine Equipment and/or Media /Events Hub. Host organize education events, expos, zoom meetups and teleconferencing, investor relations, marketing outreach, and Influencer Liason of Customer Service Satisfaction.

Become an Independent Distributor

Level 3 - Eligible to become a global Independent Distributor.

Once you have learned all about and experienced for yourself the benefits of our products & services, and are convinced of how our global model can make a difference in your own life and the lives of others... you are ready to choose to invest your time, energy and money into one of our focused marketing strategies for fun and profit.

Product & Service Providers - Store

Level 4 - Eligible to become a WellnessCollective Hub Owner

Hub Owners are eligible to own and manage their own territory with the ability of manifesting up to 10 interactively connected Pods. Earning Potential:  The ability to cover expenses and earn a % of all business transactions and membership fees funneled through their targeted operations.

Abundance Circle - Referral Representative

Level 5 - Eligible for Train the Trainer Referral Representative

Techniques and a Self-Healing Lifestyle education is the main focus of our global collective outreach.  Our "global sales force" experts work their way up through all levels to be fully trained in all aspects of our business model.  At this point, they are eligible to train other trainers and focus their efforts on whatever facet of the diamond they would like to pursue whether it be investing in a distributorship for themselves, ownership of co-marketing pods, retreats, maximum earning potential as partner/distributor recruiters, event organizers, +++.  Earning Cash, Rewards, Trips, Contests, etc.

Experiences, Shares & Testimonials

“I have worked with energy, global self-healing spiritual masters and sacred ancient wisdom for higher consciousness, inner peace and self-love transformation and manifestation technique modalities such as meditation, yoga and other highest vision teachings for over 30 years. When told I had cancer, I knew that I had the tools I needed to prepare for a 'no fear death.' Little did I know then that spirit had a much higher vision and mission for me: To use my own experience of self-healing and the experience of so many others that I have discovered 
on my journey so that you can have the tools you need to self-heal and in turn to then help others. 'If I did it, so can you!'  Become a member to share your vision and discover your why, what, who, when, where & how.”

Joya Comeaux, Founder FOL

**Latest Cancer Statistics and Survival Rates: 

What are my chances of getting cancer?
According to 2020 data from the American Cancer Society, men have a 40.14 percent—or approximately
one in two—chance of developing cancer in their lifetime. For women, the odds are slightly lower at 38.7 percent, or a one in three chance.

What are the 10 deadliest cancers?
Breast cancer: 206,983 lives. … Pancreatic cancer: 162,878 lives. … Prostate cancer: 144,926 lives. … Leukemia: 108,740 lives. … Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: 104,407 lives. … Liver and intrahepatic bile duct cancer: 79,773 lives. … Ovarian cancer: 73,638 lives.


What are the odds?

The National Cancer Institute reports that there will be an estimated 2 million new cases of cancer with an overall estimated 5-year survival rate of 68.1% with an estimated 600,000 deaths in 2022.

***What is meant by the 5-year survival rate?
A diagnosis of cancer is frightening. After the initial shock has passed, you want to know about your future, the treatment available, and the chances of survival.  Survival rate is defined as the percent of people who survive a disease such as cancer for a specified amount of time.

For example, if the 5-year survival rate for a particular cancer is 34 percent, this means that 34 out of 100 people initially diagnosed with that cancer would be alive after 5 years.

***A 5-year survival of 60% doesn't mean that the other 40% died after living for exactly 5 years. A few would have lived less than a year, and some for 2, 3, or 4 years. The surviving 60% are not all alike, either.

  • Some may have been cured. They're free of cancer and will live for their normal lifespan.

  • Some may still be taking treatment for cancer.

  • Some may have been cured but had a relapse and are under further treatment.

In other words, the 5-year survival rate doesn't tell a person with cancer much about their future.

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