The Mother Loves You & Is Always Watching Over You!
Welcome, and thank you for visiting The Family of Light online. Our website highlights the wide variety of our events, community activities and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for an event. We would love to greet you and share with you our gratitude and appreciation for our beloved Mother Divine.
Our Mission
Our mission is to unite the Family of Light and awaken the world through raising our own vibration, frequency and resonance, thus elevating the vibration of the planet . We do this in part through the teachings of our FOL Members,Affiliates, the Vedas, meditation and Feminine Goddess Worship of all aspects of the Divine Cosmic Mother whom we know to have many faces as the Goddess.
Our church offers a non-traditional setting for your most sacred celebration surrounded by nature.

Small events & services are held in our main space. Larger events are held in the adjacent 5500 sq. ft. space. Contact: folight@yahoo.com
Let us help you get your message and/or event out to the world. Our collective of broadcast production professionals film your events, and our Vegan catering services are also available. Contact us for a quote.
Sedona HQ News
​We have a new home for our "Spirituality in Business" Partners, and we want to share it! We invite you to join us, and our space at the Collective in the SedonaVortexCenter.com
​Circle of Love Events
We post ongoing local & global events & broadcasts on our: SedonaCalendar.Net
Shakti Yoga - Shakti.Live
Shakti Yoga Vegan Institute
Shakti.Live - ShaktiYogaInstitute.com
We surrender to the Mother's Divine Love, Energy & Guidance in everything we do or make: events video, vegan food, classes, etc.
We feature, market and promote our FOL Affiliates via our online Highest Vision Magazine through our Affiliate Program. See Benefits at SedonaVortexCenter.com.
Become an FOL Affiliate
$20 Mo. or $180 Yr. Sales Affiliate
Contact Us to signup Today!

We invite to subscribe above to receive updates we send out about news, special events & our FOL Affiliates in the Spotlight!
FOL Chapter Opportunities
We invite to join our mailing list and receive emails we send out about news, special events & FOL Affiliates in the HIGHEST VISION MAGAZINE Spotlight!
Abundance Circles of Love
We rent our space for sacred events, and we also host our own ongoing events which we call Abundance Circles of Love Around the World.