Affinity Groups
The whole premise of our church is "Spirituality in Business" by building community. We bring our FOL Members together in Circles of Love Around the World for fun and profit! We invite you to Join Us!

Shakti Yoga Institute - Divine Feminine Goddess Worship
AVE! Brand - Back to Nature and the Honoring of the Divine Feminine in All
The ninth limb of yoga, being in the Divine Cosmic Mother's flow of Abundance.
This step in your evolution here on earth takes self-love, trust faith and action. It utilizes all four paths of yoga.. karma, bhakti, raja, jnana, combined with Shakti.
There are many facets of the diamond, and we honor them all: Shakti, Radha, Kali, Durga, Laxmi, Shekina, Sophia, Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, Gaia, Isis, Quan Yin, Sekhmet, Tara, Aphrodite, Athena, Hathor, Diana, Maat, Venus, Parvarti & so many.
Most of us don’t realize how insidious dairy is in the western diet. From the saturated-fat and cholesterol filling our glasses of milk to the unhealthy dairy derivatives hidden in our go-to snacks, dairy has made its way into so many of the foods most Americans eat every day. It’s no wonder chronic health issues like acne, congestion, eczema, excess weight, IBS, and constipation are now commonplace.
Guess what? You can avoid so many of these health ailments with a single action: ditching dairy. But how can you do that with dairy showing up in so many foods at home and in grocery stores? Enter Allison and Michelle, your friendly and knowledgeable guides to dairy-free living. Give them 12-days, and they’ll give you dairy-freedom. $199 / $108 FOL Members
Healthy Lifestyle Family Practices for Parents & Youth
Many mothers do not really know what to feed their kids. With all the hype out there in the food industry, it is necessary to be educated and aware of the traps most fall into if they do not read labels and understand what they mean.
The entire family will benefit from the benefits of eating healthy, exercising, walking, meditating, breath work, yoga, and so many other forms of spiritual & family practice.

Integrated Medicine, Fitness and Women's Health
CIZE - The End of Exercise - Tuesday, Friday & Sunday 10-11AM $10 / $5 FOL Members
Don't want to spend the time or money doing in our group? Then do it from home. We sell have members that sell Beachbody products, so if you want to use or try them, we can get you guys together "face to face. Cize at Home:

Social Investment Society (SIS,LLC)​
There are many ways to invest your time and money. Why not do it consciously? We help you "" your SIS companies and real estate ventures.
Prasadam - Blessed Food Manufacturing & Distribution
Blessed Food is a great way to interact with each other. It is sacred. It is made for the deities with lots of love permeating each bite. Feeding people is one way of self-less service that extremely rewarding.
Film Club, Film Festivals, Actors, Filmmakers, Artists
Thursday Nite Movies - 6:30PM - 9PM $15 Fundraiser $10 General $5 FOL Members
This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.​
Shakti.Live Kirtan & Ecstatic Dance
As the sign says... Don't Walk .. Dance! Dancing is fun and great exercise. We can do it together which makes very thing much more doable. It is so easy to get caught up in our everyday mundane reality. Let s make time to come together and Dance!
Book Club for local Authors to Promote their Books
FOL Members host book signings and workshops on with locals and tourists interested in learning more about the aspects portrayed in the books of our FOL Members. Such books include AVE MARIA, Angels Sing a Journey to Remembrance by Joya Comeaux, THE FOUR AGREEMENTS by Don Miguel Ruiz, and MOTHER MARY by Alex Guitierrez.
Donation Based Crowdfunding FUNraisin' is something that we shall be sharing in our "Spirituality in Business" Workshops and Trainng designed to educate and inspire women entrepreneurs and investors. Abundance Circles of Love Around the World.
Affinity groups are for inclusion, not exclusion. We hope that everyone will want to participate in each other's groups. But we do recognize that there are certain issues that are not shared with all FOL Members, so we invite everyone to have a safe place in which they can share and be all that they can be!
Global Meditation & REIKI
Online zoom meditation and long distance REIKI sessions with Family of Light (FOL) World Peace Ministry Practitioners and Event Partners.
Global Circles of Love Around the World
Abundance Circle Clubs promote our FOL Members, Event Partners and Ministers
Are You Overwhelmed by all of the Diverse Information that is Available to You these Days? Do you find this confusing? Join one of our Circle Clubs and learn your truth.
How Can We Tell the Difference Between Truth and Misinformation?
Would You Like to Strengthen of your Power of Discernment?
Join us to practice fine-tuning your Inner Wisdom, that you may recognize Truth by its vibrational resonance with your Inner Core. In the process, you will re-activate and re-claim the essence of Pure Truth that you already are!
Hiking, Biking & Walking Club
Exercise, Sunshine, Sleep, Healthy Lifestyle. We live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, so lets get together and enjoy it. Walking, biking, swimming, enjoying nature... all better with friends. - Sacred Shared Spaces
Are you on a spiritual or Self-Healing Wellness path, and like to stay with the energy of a like-minded group that are vegan/vegetarian while working or traveling?
Global Coffee Talk Hubs for Online Coffee Talks​
Join us for a cup of coffee and a lively discussion topic with one of our FOL Members as the host.​ Topics and Hosts shall be posted on our FOL Global Calendar of Events (SIS)
Women that love Krishna - SIS Circles of Love to be Announced
Weekly Circle Readings of Spiritual Teachings shall be organized by FOL Members and announced on our FOL Global Events Calendar, Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies
Digital currency is here to stay. And unless you are going to take the time to learn about it, you will probably need some education before you jump in. We will be creating INVESTMENT CLUBS that focus on Green and FOL Partner Investing.
WomenInternational.Net - Online Business Incubator
Women in Business, Women in Film, Women in Bitcoin, Women in Tech, Women in Fashion, Women in Food, basically mentorship and online business incubator to fund and promote all things women in business related and create a Womens.Directory.
Family of Light - FamilyofLight.Directory
Galactic Warriors, ETs, Lightworkers, Energy Healers, Metaphysicians, Readers, Astrologers, Past Life Regressionists, and any and all healers and beings of light!
Our goal is to market and promote our FOL Members by giving them the tools they need to be successful and abundant by KEEPING THE MONTH IN THE FAMILY. We use media to market our members, and offer professional media services as well as media-driven events. Our goal is to create a global marketplace that all members share and buy and sell from each other.
Events, Weddings, Fundraisers & Event Organizers
Event organizers can have a field day in the Family of Light Network. There are so many great places and spaces for any kind of event that you can imagine. We want to partner with as many event coordinators and organizers as possible, and offer them our complimentary services of media, wedding arrangements with caterers, photographers, videographers, bakeries, but we always focus on either vegan or veg.
Blog Talk Radio Hosts - featuring FamilyofLight.Directory
Blog Talk Radio features our FOL "Spirituality in Business" FamilyOfLight.Directory and WomenInternational.Net .