Family Of Light (FOL)Networking & Referral COMMUNITY DINNER - $36 (tax & tip not included)
Join us the last Friday of every month for Frequency Friday Stimulation of the Senses! We shall meet at the Giving Tree Cafe, have a Complimentary Bemer Session and a Delicious Four Course Organic Meal prepared by Chef David & served FAMILY STYLE, and topped off with a Biocharged Finale!
Joya founded the Family of Light in 1993. Since then she has traveled the world to sacred vortex locations working with Masters in Shamanism, Energy and Self-Healing modalities. Now she has turned her focus onto "Frequency Medicine" in an effort to create and offer a shortcut to cosmic flow. Self-Healing.
We invite you to join us. If you are interested in Networking and creating Referral Partners, please be prepared to deliver a 30 second introduction to your products, services and business referral earning opportunity. RSVP: