Women.Fund is empowerng an International Social Investment Society, (JIVAS.NET and GOPIS.NET) of concerned humans, interested in Abundance for All. To that end, we empower Women around the world to create businesses that will nourish and feed their children and communities by partnering with companies that make and distribute plant-based products and services. This create jobs and supports local business owners and farmers that are not asking for a hand out, but a HAND UP!
Women.Fund Empowers Women through the creation of ABUNDANCE CIRCLES & Conference based E-Vemts that get women around the world "face to face" to learn about new business opportunities and share their stories and ideas with the world via our TELL-A-VISION Television.
Such media is
posted on our global youtube channels: FAMILYOFLIGHT.DIRECTORY and HUMANITYCHANNEL.ORG .
Women.Fund partners with a global network of plant- based food manufacturers and distributors, and works with them to promote and fund their current products and future product development.
In-turn, these FLOW.GURU partners donate their time, food, business expertise and other such resources, as required to educate and empower Women in their own local areas to grow, manufacture and distribute such foods to the hungry via IMPROVDINNERS.COM Breakin' Bread Together for a Better World social media broadcast E-Vents in their own communities.